Love retro? Love sewing? Finally, a book that combines them both!

Sew Retro: A Stylish
History of the Sewing Revolution + 25 Vintage‐Inspired Projects for the Modern
Girl by Judi Ketteler (Voyageur
Press, July 2010) is a smart, pop culture‐ish history of women and sewing over
the last 150 years (beginning with the invention of the first workable sewing
machine in the mid-19th century and ending with today’s sewing
Dozens of charming retro illustrations and photographs bring the narrative to life. But Sew Retro is also a how‐to guide for making your own retro‐inspired accessories, clothing, and home dec. Projects are organized by chapter (19th century, 1920s, 1930s & 40s, 1950s, 1960s & 70s, and today). Each project has thorough and clearly‐written instructions, as well as illustrations (some projects also have pattern pieces). Sew Retro is packed with all kinds of extra goodies, like time lines, fun sidebars with historical bits of info and retro‐sewing tips, profiles of creative women throughout history, and Q&As with some really terrific fabric and pattern designers with retro flair, like Amy Butler, Kathy Miller (of Michael Miller), Betz White, and others.
Dozens of charming retro illustrations and photographs bring the narrative to life. But Sew Retro is also a how‐to guide for making your own retro‐inspired accessories, clothing, and home dec. Projects are organized by chapter (19th century, 1920s, 1930s & 40s, 1950s, 1960s & 70s, and today). Each project has thorough and clearly‐written instructions, as well as illustrations (some projects also have pattern pieces). Sew Retro is packed with all kinds of extra goodies, like time lines, fun sidebars with historical bits of info and retro‐sewing tips, profiles of creative women throughout history, and Q&As with some really terrific fabric and pattern designers with retro flair, like Amy Butler, Kathy Miller (of Michael Miller), Betz White, and others.
Project photography by Jennifer Simonson. © Voyageur Press, 2010.